Sunday, July 12, 2009

Corporate Blogging : A New Marketing Communication Tool For Companies

Sunday, July 12, 2009 0
Youngsters used to have a blog, they love to reflect their memories and share their grandmother stories with their loved ones.

Same things goes to companies, they also have their own stories to share and unhappiness to cried out. Therefore, corporate blogs serve this purpose.

Companies nowadays are struggle for customer and need to shore up their corporate message in any way they can. Traditionally, companies usually advertise or organized events as grand as they can just to let customers know about their corporate message.

Now, Corporate blogging is another communications and marketing channel apart from what are being used in the past. However, unlike a press release, advertisement in a magazine or a listing in the Yellow Pages, corporate blogs are two-way communications. Corporate blogging has the opportunity to reach thousands of interested people without large advertising budget, yet can significantly strengthen your client-customer relationship.

They are quite similar in with the personal blog. They deliver on-point messages to anyone who reads it. Since blog entries often have a personal touch, they tend to reach readers in ways a company homepage cannot. A blog is not a venue for the hard sale but instead resources where readers can stay informed or sign up for newsletters and e-mailings.

The top 10 Corporate Blogging available worldwide : ( As at Sept 2008)
1. Google
2. Adobe
3. Yahoo! Search
4. Fecebook
5. Dell
6. Yahoo!
7. LinkedIn
8. Southwest Airlines
9. General Motors
10. Flickr

Dell is definitely one of the prime examples and will qualify both under corporate blog as well as customer service blog and department blog.
The Dell blog currently receives 1 million pageviews per week.

The twitter blog.

Even Linked In also have their own corporate blog :a two-way conversation with users. User education was the primary goal.

What makes Corporate so great until everyone else loving it so much?

The blog not only helps you build stronger relationships with important target groups such as clients, the media, the general public and shareholders. It also:

  • It helps company to run low cost public relationship.
  • It provides companies’ customers wit information they might need. In other words, they see you as an expert.
  • Company's customers given human interaction in the website, they allowed to leave comments.
  • When everyone keep visiting your blog, it actually makes your web’s popularity very highs and thus rank higher in the search engines.
  • Company’s business given a chance to get instant feedback for new products or ideas
Human need to bond and communicate authentically in order shape the business world.
So, Corporate blogging serves this purpose.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Review a local, transactional e-commerce site :

Thursday, July 9, 2009 0
Online boutiques have become amazingly popular nowadays. It doestn’t take a lot of capital nor manpower. A Malaysian fashion and lifestyle ezine(electronic magazine), have offer clothing and accessories of different types and sizes and target the female web community mostly.
LuvClothez(, the trusted online fashion store in Malaysia. It sell the latest fashion stuffs from Taiwan and korea and running the business globally. This website consists of 2 languages, Chinese and English. User can choose to their own suit languages. Besides, It also have a currencies version to convenient those foreigner user! User can concert the price (RM) to USD or even Singapore rate. LuvClothez not only selling fashionable clothes but also some bags, accessories and gifts and allocated them in different category. It is the strategy that LuvClothez use to attract customer.

The product have show with picture, price, product material and the dimension of the product. By disclose this type of information, LuvClothez can enhance the confidence of consumer and avoid misunderstanding information too. Next,you have to sign up as a member first before shopping. The payments option can be credit cards, online banking, direct bank in by ATM or even cash deposit. Customer have to fill in their details as name, contact, email address, amount of transaction ,product description and the payment type. Delivery options can be courier service which is skynet or poslaju and pos Malaysia.

LuvClothez is a successful e-commerce site in Malaysia. It sells fashionable ladies stuffs in good quality and low prices. They provide customer the latest and most fashionable item. Today, LuvClothez business has gradually bigger and bigger. It attracts not only Malaysia customer but
other countries too. However, it still needs to be improved to make it preferable in order to attract more customer to visit and shop in its website.


E-LEARNING is knowledge passed through the internet, network, or standalone computer. E-learning is the transfer of skills & knowledge. Any technology mediated learning using computers whether from a distance or in face classroom setting (Computer Assisted Learning).
Pros and Cons of eLearning
There are many advantages to online and computer-based learning when compared to traditional face-to-face courses and lectures. There are a few disadvantages as well.
Pros of online or computer-based learning
  • Class work can be scheduled around work and family
  • Reduces travel time and travel costs for off-campus students
  • Students may have the option to select learning materials that meets their level of knowledge and interest
  • Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet connection
  • Self-paced learning modules allow students to work at their own pace
  • Flexibility to join discussions in the bulletin board threaded discussion areas at any hour, or visit with classmates and instructors remotely in chat rooms
  • Instructors and students both report eLearning fosters more interaction among students and instructors than in large lecture courses
  • eLearning can accommodate different learning styles and facilitate learning through a variety of activities
  • Develops knowledge of the Internet and computers skills that will help learners throughout their lives and careers
  • Successfully completing online or computer-based courses builds self-knowledge and self-confidence and encourages students to take responsibility for their learning
  • Learners can test out of or skim over materials already mastered and concentrate efforts in mastering areas containing new information and/or skills
Cons of online or computer-based learning
  • Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind
  • Without the routine structures of a traditional class, students may get lost or confused about course activities and deadlines
  • Students may feel isolated from the instructor and classmates
  • Instructor may not always be available when students are studying or need help
  • Slow Internet connections or older computers may make accessing course materials frustrating
  • Managing computer files and online learning software can sometimes seem complex for students with beginner-level computer skills
  • Hands-on or lab work is difficult to simulate in a virtual classroom 

E-government in Malaysia:Its implementation so far and citizen's adoption strategies

The implementation of electronic government starts since the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) has launched by Malaysia government. The vision of e-government is to transform administrative process and service delivery through the use of IT and multimedia.

The myGovernment Portal ( acts as the one-stop source of Malaysian government information and services for the citizens.

In Malaysia, E-Government is experienced at three levels: government to-government (G2G), government-to-businesses (G2B), and government-to-citizens (G2C). The G2C interactions involve Electronic Services (e-Services), Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX), and e-Syariah projects. Project Monitoring System (SPPII), Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS), and Generic Office Environment (GOE) are G2G interactions while Electronic Procurement (e-Procurement) is G2B relation.

1. Electronic Services (e-Services)

Enables citizens conduct transactions with government through a one-stop service window, for example summons payment and bill payment & inquiry 24 hours, 7 day a week.

2. Electronic Procurement (e-Procurement)

Allows the government conduct procurement activities electronically via desktops and on-line Suppliers’ Registration. It can reduce the time required in processing procurement transaction, reduce the cost and increase transparency procurement transactions.

3. Generic Office Environment (GOE)

An electronic office environment that enhance productivity through better information management, communications and collaboration. It can provide fully integrated, distributed & scalable paperless environment via open system platform. It ensures right information gets to the right people at the right time and encourages effective collaboration across agencies.

4. Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS)

It provides a single interface for government’s employees to perform human resource functions to achieve effective staffing and rightsizing of the civil service. It can build up-to-date consolidated HRM information for effective planning among agencies.


5. Project Monitoring System (SPPII)

SPPII is an on-line end-to-end project monitoring system creating a collaborative environment for better management of development projects. The system can provides a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of development projects across agencies. It can provide timely and accurate project development status to the related person who in charge the project.

6. Electronic Labour Exchange (ELX),

A one-stop centre for labour market information and systematic matching of job seekers to job vacancies.IT can improve the mobilisation of the nation’s human resources and to provide one-stop centre for labour market information.

7. E-Syariah
It is aim to integrate the processes related to management of cases for the Syariah Courts. This service can improve quality of services of the Syariah courts and the increase effectiveness of JKSM in coordinating and supervising related agencies

Citizen’s adoption strategies.

To attract the people using the e-government, the interface and design of websites must be user friendly and easy to navigate. Government also can launch web sites with multi languages to enable the old generation also are able to using the e-government services. Better and affordable internet service infrastructure is important to enable more people to use to e-government services. Moreover, make sure the security of the website is good enough to avoid the confidential information and details of transaction are leak out or hacked.

Electronic Currency

What’s electronic currency? It refers to money or scrip which is exchanged only electronically. Typically, this involves use of computer networks, the internet and digital stored value systems. With all the tremendous technology, everything can be done electronically. You no longer have to drive out to buy but just click click click and everything DONE!

An example of digital stored value systems is Hong Kong Octopus Card which was the first contactless smart card system in the world and has since grown into a widely used payment system for virtually all public transport convenience stores, supermarkets, fast-food restaurants, on-street parking meters, car parks, and others.

Now, even Malaysia also has his very own touch n Go’ Touch n Go card, famous for its usage as a pre-load cash card used mainly for transportation and toll collection, is now expanding their applications and services towards the retail purchase, starting with particularly the fast-food industry like A&W, 7 eleven ant etc.

Pay Pal is one of the famous electronic currency which allows shoppers purchase through line. Exhibit below illustrate how Pay Pal is work.

Electronic currency is the most innovation products developed in financial and Internet circles recently, it has many advantages compare with the convention and offline medium of transaction.

1 Faster than a check

Online payments with PayPal’s Mass Payment are instant. Never again do you have to say "the check is in the mail."

2. Simple record-keeping

Minimize your accounting paperwork with a downloadable transaction history. Reconcile exceptions easily by automatically returning unclaimed funds.

3. All in One

Typically, Hong Kong Octopus Card is all in one. As a tourist, you will find Octopus indispensable for getting around Hong Kong's sights and shops as you won't need to buy individual tickets for different transport systems

4. Everyone can involve in conducting electronic currency

It doesn’t matter who you are. So long you have a computer and an account, you can start the transactions.

5. Convenience and low transactions cost

Electronic currency eliminates the usage of man power. This result in lower transaction fees compared to fees charged to a walk-in customer.

However, electronic currency will bring us benefits as well as problems. There are:

1. Privacy and security

The most obvious potential disadvantages about the concept of electronic currency are privacy and security issues. Although electronic currency is highly secured, it is not guarantee that the transaction information will not leak, if this happen, the information about individual purchasing patterns, financial information and health status might be sold to marketing companies. Worse, since the electronic currency is still a relative new technology, the high securities might not cover every possibility which a hacker can break into the system and illegally make purchase using other consumers’ identity.

2. Not widely accepted

Nowadays electronic currency is still not widely accepted by the public. This may be due to the fact that most people are still don’t confident and familiar with it .In addition to that, most consumers from non-developed countries or old generation are still more comfortable with present centuries-old medium of transactions – paper notes and coins.

3. Availability and interchangeability

The other potential disadvantages are availability and interchangeability of the electronic currency. Again, since it is still new as well as there are a number of companies which provides solutions for electronic currency, there is no one standard electronic currency that applies to all online cash transactions. For example in EBay, the most popular e-auction site, there are some categories of auction only accept Paypal for payments medium.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Credit Card : Causes and Prevention

Monday, July 6, 2009 0
WE get to apply credit cards everywhere, it’s just too simple. You may even sign up credit cards at shopping mall. Thanks to our banks for promoting their cards so hardly.
However, do we really know how to swipe our cards well?
Have you ever imagine you end up with flooding with lots of credit cards debts?

Can you imagine many young people at your age declaring bankruptcy?

So, what makes them to end up with this?
1. People not working out a budget and they tends forgetting about occasional items such as school expenses, Christmas, Chinese new year or Hari Raya.

2. Having too many credit cards. Some people having too many cards on hand, not 1 but perhaps 5.
The more credit cards a person has the more likely they are to use them.

3. Missing payments. Some people tend to forget to pay for their credit cards debts when due. It’s too late when they recall to pay as the debts are too heavy to pay with all the interest payments.

4. General overspending.Girls especially with shopaholic attitude tends to grab things whenever they shopping. They end up buying things that are not necessary and overspending.

5. Clients being loyal to credit card providers. Customers being loyal to their credit card providers although they’re offering higher interest rate compare to others.

6. Not prioritizing debts. The credit cards debt is built up by not paying expensive credit card debt first.

7. Getting advice from the wrong places. Some credit cards providers try to persuade the customers by asking them to apply for other cards to pay for the existing debts.

So, how we can prevent this from happen to us?

1. It’s essential to develop a monthly budget and stick with it so that we can track is there unnecessary purchase
2. You’ve to clear in mind that you only use this credit card when you are sure you can pay the balance off at the end of the month.

3. Not to hold more than 2 cards at a time, hold only the number of cards that you comfort with.

4. Customers are advised to apply for direct debit to avoid any missing payments.

5. Credit card holders advice to change your credit card provider oftenly once the low or interest free period is over. Remember credit card companies have no loyalty to you so don't be loyal to them.

6. If you do not have enough money to pay for full credit cards debts for that period, always keep in mind to pay debts with costs highest in prior.

7. Avoid getting advice from credit card debt advice firms who advertise on TV, Radio or in the tabloids. They may be cheating.
So people, clear your credit cards now before it's too late.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mobile payment systems in Malaysia: Its potentials and consumers’ adoption strategies

Sunday, July 5, 2009 0
What is mobile payment?
Mobile payment is design to address the limitations and bottlenecks created by cash, cheques and credit cards. It unlock the power of the mobile phone to make payments, allowing registered users to pay for goods and services at anytime, anywhere using only a mobile phone. This gives the freedom to consumers to buy products online and pay the merchant using his/her mobile phone without being physically present at the store.
The mobile payment can used to purchase digital product or physical. Digital products for examples are ring tones, games, themes or even booking cinema tickets and air tickets! Its usually make the transaction via GPRS/WAP or SMS.

With the launches of mobile payment system, Maxis alliances with Nokia, Visa, Maybank and Touch’n Go, few powerful financial organizations start the world’s first contactless system, has great huge potentials market. This system helps consumers enjoy the benefits of speed and convenience, similar to their Visa payWave cards on their mobile phones. Besides, this services works on any mobile and it eliminates the trouble to queue up on paying the electric bills. With those advantages, it believes that the services will enhance their satisfaction and confidence and continuing attract more customers to use it.

Company can advertise it with the function and benefits attractively on magazines, newspaper, or even in cinemas. Each movie has few minute on advertising before the movie start. It can attract the attention of public. Besides, company can setting booth in shopping mall by giving promotion with extra credit or gift. Company need to continuing enhance the function to increase the confidence of users.


Friday, July 3, 2009


Friday, July 3, 2009 0
Many people are rejected after filling out a credit card application because of poor credit. The problem with this is that a major credit card is needed to make reservations for hotels, motels, car rentals and airline flights. Credit cards are also necessary when placing orders online or over the phone. Does this mean a person with bad credit can't do any of these things? Not if that person has a prepaid cash card.

A prepaid cash card account is opened by depositing money into that account; much in the same way you would make a deposit to open a checking or saving account. Once you have money in your account, you're issued a prepaid cash card that can be used anywhere one would use a regular credit card. The best part of the prepaid credit card is that you can charge to your heart's content and you won't be in debt. The money is yours and once it's gone, you can't spend any more until you make another deposit. There are no bills and no interest charges.
These cards are perfect to give to teenagers or children who are heading off to college. And employers are finding that giving prepaid credit cards to employees who travel or who entertain clients is an excellent way to control costs while away from the office.
The prepaid cash card can be used for:

  • Purchases - Shop anywhere

  • Money management for young adults

  • Travel including reserving a hotel, flight and rental car

  • Emergency needs

  • Cash access at ATMs

  • Employee wages & expenses

  • Electronic payments

  • Gift-giving

  • Pay for toll – eg: Touch n GO

  • Transfer money

  • Pay bill

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