Sunday, July 12, 2009

Corporate Blogging : A New Marketing Communication Tool For Companies

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Youngsters used to have a blog, they love to reflect their memories and share their grandmother stories with their loved ones.

Same things goes to companies, they also have their own stories to share and unhappiness to cried out. Therefore, corporate blogs serve this purpose.

Companies nowadays are struggle for customer and need to shore up their corporate message in any way they can. Traditionally, companies usually advertise or organized events as grand as they can just to let customers know about their corporate message.

Now, Corporate blogging is another communications and marketing channel apart from what are being used in the past. However, unlike a press release, advertisement in a magazine or a listing in the Yellow Pages, corporate blogs are two-way communications. Corporate blogging has the opportunity to reach thousands of interested people without large advertising budget, yet can significantly strengthen your client-customer relationship.

They are quite similar in with the personal blog. They deliver on-point messages to anyone who reads it. Since blog entries often have a personal touch, they tend to reach readers in ways a company homepage cannot. A blog is not a venue for the hard sale but instead resources where readers can stay informed or sign up for newsletters and e-mailings.

The top 10 Corporate Blogging available worldwide : ( As at Sept 2008)
1. Google
2. Adobe
3. Yahoo! Search
4. Fecebook
5. Dell
6. Yahoo!
7. LinkedIn
8. Southwest Airlines
9. General Motors
10. Flickr

Dell is definitely one of the prime examples and will qualify both under corporate blog as well as customer service blog and department blog.
The Dell blog currently receives 1 million pageviews per week.

The twitter blog.

Even Linked In also have their own corporate blog :a two-way conversation with users. User education was the primary goal.

What makes Corporate so great until everyone else loving it so much?

The blog not only helps you build stronger relationships with important target groups such as clients, the media, the general public and shareholders. It also:

  • It helps company to run low cost public relationship.
  • It provides companies’ customers wit information they might need. In other words, they see you as an expert.
  • Company's customers given human interaction in the website, they allowed to leave comments.
  • When everyone keep visiting your blog, it actually makes your web’s popularity very highs and thus rank higher in the search engines.
  • Company’s business given a chance to get instant feedback for new products or ideas
Human need to bond and communicate authentically in order shape the business world.
So, Corporate blogging serves this purpose.


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