Friday, June 26, 2009

Phishing : Examples and the Prevention Methods

Friday, June 26, 2009

Basically, Phishing is just like fishing, except instead of fish you are trying to capture people’s personal information such as passwords, account details, or credit card numbers.
Phishing” is actually a tactic used

by conman to pose as the actual bank, requesting for your login information, so

that they can access your account.
Usually, they do that by sending you

emails and asking you to click on the links. The page will look like the actual

login page, but it is really not.
Here are some examples of how these conman fished. It looks as if it is REAL!
This e-mail which to-be-said send by e-bay requires user to register a new account, and by such a way, they're able to steal his private informations.

This is facebook-Phishing. It's not!
It actual originated from an e-mail where people asking you “click here” in an

email or Facebook message, asking you to log in through here to verify your account, otherwise it'll close down.
No bank, or legitimate organization will

ever send you an email and say “click here” to login - they are

“fishing” for you to bite.
Looking on all the Phishing attack that we facing everyday. Don't you afraid that you are their next fish
So, here are some of the tips for you and me to prevent this to happen.

1. Trust No Email or


Creating an email message that looks like it came from a

credit card company and even including their logo is not a difficult thing for

hackers to do. Some of these can be detected easily with a little detective

work, but why take the chance? When connecting to a web-site, verify that the

connection is encrypted by making sure the URL is https:// and not http. If

unsure, verify the URL by calling the institution with a verified phone number.

2. Do

not click on those links that attach on the e-mails.
There are a wide

variety of phishing methods:
  • You have been reported for abuse.

  • Do I know you?

  • Do you know her / him?

  • Congrats! You’ve won 1,000,000,000 free poker chips!.

  • Represent your country in playing poker!


Just ignore them!!

3. Anti Phishing Software
Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3 have built in software for the detection

and warning against phishing links. You can enable the browsers options with

proper configuration. You can also consider the anti phishing tool bar in the

browser. Some of them can check online lists of web-sites with known problems.

4. Password Privacy
The individuals will be able to get the services an information by rendering

a trusted institution. Sometimes you might have received an email from back

about the confirmation of your password. In this case you should verify from

the email sender who they are. It might be some virus which will get your

personal data by automatic installation.

Prevention is better than cure, be smart and don't fish by them!


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